Desert Island Documents

On 21 October 2017 the Devon & Cornwall Record Society will celebrate the life work of Mrs Margery Rowe, the last Exeter City Archivist.

Mrs Rowe will outline Exeter’s community of archivists and historians, then headed by Professor W. G. Hoskins, when she arrived in 1956 and chronicle the collection of documents from across Devon which now make up the collection of the Devon Heritage Centre.  During her career Mrs Rowe worked on a great number of manuscripts and she will be picking out some of her favourites.

Dr Todd Gray, chairman of the society, will be asking Mrs Rowe questions about this crucial period in the city for the writing of local history and of her insights into Exeter’s manuscripts, one of England’s greatest city collections.

Saturday, 21 October 2017, at 14:00, Exeter Guildhall

Refreshments to follow

Seating is limited.  In order to book please send (by 18 October) a cheque for £7 (£5 DCRS members) made out to the Devon & Cornwall Record Society and send to The Cottage in the Hayes, Cheriton Fitzpaine, Devon, EX17 4JG