Charity Registration no. 1011931

The Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held on

Saturday 18th May 2024 at 10.30 am

Rougemont Room, Exeter Library, Castle Street, Exeter, EX4 3PQ


‘From Exeter Cathedral to the Plymouth Royal Eye Infirmary: Devon’s Medical History’

Saturday 18th May 2024

Rougemont Room, Exeter Library, Castle Street, Exeter, EX4 3PQ

10.00 Tea/Coffee

10.30 Annual General Meeting of the Devon and Cornwall Record Society (members only)

11.00 Rachel Scott: ‘Potions and promises: discovering a medieval miscellany from Ottery St Mary’

11.45 Catherine Rider: ‘Medieval Medicine in Exeter Cathedral Manuscripts’

12.30 Lunch break (members may have their own lunch in the hall or visit one of the many venues nearby)

1.30 Peter Elmer: ‘Introducing the Medical Practitioners in Early Modern Devon database’

2.00 David Radstone: ‘Tools of the trade: old medical instruments from the Devon and Exeter Medical Heritage Trust collection’

2.45 Mike Tracey: ‘Churning out Butter: How John Butter's Memoir saw the Light of Day’

3.30 Tea/Coffee

The Society’s AGM at 10.30 am is open to all DCRS members free of charge.


The fee for the Conference will be £12-50 per person for members and non- members. You can make payment in advance direct to the Society’s bank as below:

Lloyds Bank plc, 234 High Street, Exeter EX4 3NL sort code: 30-93-14 account number: 00155236

account name: Devon & Cornwall Record Society

Alternatively, you can pay in cash or by cheque on the day at the Conference.

To ensure that we cater for the correct numbers, we would be grateful if those who plan to attend advise us either by e-mail to: or to our postal address, to arrive no later than 13th May 2024: Devon and Cornwall Record Society, c/o Devon Heritage Centre, Great Moor House, Bittern Rd, Sowton, Exeter, EX2 7NL.

 DCRS podcasts on YouTube

We have created two series of podcasts over recent months : they are available to view on YouTube.

Go to You Tube DCRS Playlists to select those you want to watch.

The complete list of podcasts in these series is :

New Research about Devon & Cornwall, 2022 Podcasts

John Allan (on North Devon pottery in Barnstaple, 1640 - 1670; Richard Newcourt’s Map),
Peter Christie, (Bideford in the Second World War),
Prof. James Clark (The Dissolution of the Monasteries),
Dr Sam Drake (Cornwall, Connectivity and Identity in the fourteenth century),
Paul Holden (The Distinctiveness of Cornish Buildings),
Ian Maxted (The Story of the Book in Exeter & Devon),
Dr Richard Oliver, William Birchynshaw’s Map of Exeter, 1743),
Prof. Stephen Rippon (Exeter, a Place in Time),
Chris Robinson, (Plymouth in the Age of the Petrol-driven Motor Car, 1896-1939),
Chris Robinson (Plymouth before the war, from the air, then and now),
Prof. Mark Stoyle (A Murderous Midsummer; the Western Rising of 1549)

New Research about Devon & Cornwall, 2023 Podcasts

Gloria Dixon (For the Love of Trees in Plymouth and Beyond),
Tony Gale (Crediton & the Great Fire of 1743),
Dr Todd Gray (Devon Parish Taxpayers, 1500 – 1650, volume 3),
Dr Julia Neville (Devon Women in public and professional life, 1900 - 1950),
Dee and Mike Tracey (The Memoir of John Butter),
Dr Leslie Trotter (Cornwall Herstory),
Dr Helen Wilson (The Remarkable Pinwill Sisters)